Donate and Support

We work to disseminate Advaita Vedanta, eastern philosophy and an utterly interdisciplinary inquiry coalescing Science, Art and Philosophy.

You will soon be able to donate here

Helsinki Vedanta association is currently building a library and study centre that will be open to all for delving into Advaita Vedanta and Eastern philosophy.

We work to facilitate philosophical inquiry and access to Eastern philosophy texts, along with a serene space for deep studying of texts.

Now we raise funds to build the collection of books for our library that will be open for inquirers. 
This space will also offer everything needed for research and in depth study of the available books and texts.
Contribute to this effort in any way within your means, help preserve and disseminate Eastern wisdom in Finland.
All donors will be mentioned in Helsinki Vedanta Association website, and the fundraising campaign and following expenditures will be managed fully transparently.